Stupid Last-Minute Costume Ideas (Videos)

The Flesh Mask...Shudder!

I'm not that kind of girl.

You Won't Win Any Awards But...

As Advertised

Is it the language barrier? Nah...These are truly stupid!

Halloween Is Going to the Dogs (Videos)

Peedy and the Halloween Candy Dish

It's not nice to talk back to the skull.

Work Harder on Your Dog's Costume!

Boxer Seeks Gun

At what point do these people recognize animal cruelty? Even the weiner dog is laughing at the poor pumpkin-garbed boxer.

Countdown to Black Friday guides you to Black Friday ads as they are made available. This year seems to be getting underway early, with Half Price Books already posting their deals.

The site also provides information on store opening times - which seem to get earlier every year, often before the pumpkin pie is served!

Happy Capitalistic Thanksgiving...oh, and Happy Halloween too!