Home Movie: Thanksgiving 1957
Ah, the old days. Everyone dresses in their nicest clothes for Thanksgiving. They start with a prayer, then it's time to chow down, followed by dancing. So nice and quiet, too.
A Rootie Tootie Thanksgiving Special
A time capsule from the early days of TV: a 1950 Thanksgiving special. Check out those credits! Aging Baby Boomer Ira Gallen has spent more than 30 years collecting and restoring old 16mm & 35mm films and Kinescopes.
Thanksgiving Dinner 1962
Breaking out a movie camera was a lot bigger deal in 1962 than it is now. It also involved a blinding light, developing the film and a whole production with a very loud projector and a screen to play it back.
1985 Flashback
Thanksgiving 1985: From back in the day when the kids lined up and stood still for the video and only the camera moved.
A Day of Thanksgiving
A classic old black-and-white short film (although it feels v e r y long) about the real meaning of Thanksgiving. And acting lessons. And cinematography.
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